Parallel Production and Parallel Ownership
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Registration for Parallel Production / Ownership

Registration Steps

Step 1a: Specification of Production Management Units (PMUs)

Producers operating under Parallel Production shall specify at least two Production Management Units (PMUs): one PMU hosting the GLOBALG.A.P. certified production process and the other one hosting the non-certified process.

Production Management Unit (PMU)
Production Management Unit (PMU) A PMU is an organizational system that makes it possible to differentiate between production processes.

Rules for PMU Specification (click to expand / reduce)

Example (click to expand / reduce)

Quiz (click to expand / reduce)
Question 3-2-1-2
A producer grows pears and spinach. He wants to certify the spinach, but only a part of the pears. He specifies only one PMU and argues that the non-certified pears will not form part of the GLOBALG.A.P. certification process. Is this compliant with the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Version 4?