Parallel Production and Parallel Ownership
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Requirements for Parallel Production / Parallel Ownership on the Producer Side


Segregation of certified and non-certified production process

Producers who wish to achieve Parallel Producer or Parallel Owner status shall segregate the certified production process from the non-certified. The non-certified production process shall have no impact on the certified production process.

Example (click to expand / reduce)

The producer shall have a system in place which prevents mixing of certified and non-certified products. The identification of certified and non-certified products may be done visually when cultivars with specific visual differences are produced (e.g the cultivar of the certified process has another color or shape as the non-certified cultivar). The outcome of both processes shall, however, not been mixed. In case products get mixed, they shall to be considered as originating from the non-certified production process. (AF12.1.1.)


Control Point:
Is there an effective system in place to identify and segregate all GLOBALG.A.P. certified and non-certfied products?

Compliance Criteria:
A system must be in place to avoid mixing of certified and non-certified products. This can be done via physical identification or product handling procedures. Including the relevant records. No N/A.

The producer's recording system and handling procedures shall reflect that the certified and non-certified production process are always segregated.

Quiz (click to expand / reduce)
Question 2-1-1
During the on-site assessment, the inspector talks to some workers and discovers that they are not aware of the producer's Parallel Production status. Is the producer expected to inform them?

Quiz (click to expand / reduce)
Question 2-1-2
A farmer grows Granny Smith apples in a certified production process and Fuji apples in a non-certified production process. He harvests both cultivars at the same time and stores them in the same cold room before packing takes place. Is this situation compliant with the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA V4 Standard?

Quiz (click to expand / reduce)
Question 2-1-3
A cattle farmer wants to use the same meadow as grazing land for both certified and non-certified animals. Is this possible?