Parallel Production and Parallel Ownership
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Transaction documents

Producers registered for Parallel Production/Ownership shall include the GGN or Sub-GLN of the certificate holder and reference to the GLOBALG.A.P. status in all transaction documents (sales invoices, delivery orders, etc.) used with clients.

Using the GGN or Sub-GLN in transaction documents is necessary as it facilitates the process of verifying the producers’ certification status and is obligatory even if producers have their own traceability codes.

Records of Purchased Products and Information about Suppliers

Producers shall have appropriate documented procedures in place for identifying products from different sources.

These procedures shall be documented and maintained, relative to the scale of the operation, for identifying certified and non-certified products from different sources (i.e. other producers or traders).

Records shall include:

Records of Sales

Sales documents shall demonstrate a consistent balance between certified and non-certified input and output.

For this purpose, sales documents shall include records of quantities sold and descriptions provided (product description, certification status, GGN or Sub-GLN, etc.)