Parallel Production and Parallel Ownership
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Two new concepts to meet the needs of our customers

Parallel Ownership

Parallel Ownership

Another challenge that some GLOBALG.A.P. certified producers face is when they had sign a contract to supply a predefined quantity of a product but don’t produce enough of this product to fulfill the contract. Under IFA Version 3, it wasn’t possible to source non-certified products and remain a certified producer, even if the final costumer didn't require GLOBALG.A.P. Certification.

The introduction of the Parallel Ownership concept now permits producers to also buy products of a non-certified origin.

Parallel Ownership

A case in which a producer who produces a product in a GLOBALG.A.P. certified production process buys the same product from a non-certified source.

Example (click to expand / reduce)

Quiz (click to expand / reduce)
Question 1-2-1
A producer grows strawberries partly in a GLOBALG.A.P. certified and partly in a non-certified production process. Does his status as a Parallel Strawberry Producer automatically register him for Parallel Ownership as well?

Quiz (click to expand / reduce)
Question 1-2-2
Please decide which of the following cases describes a producer who is a Parallel Owner. To check your answer, simply hit the 'Submit' button.

A producer produces certified pears and buys additional pears from other GLOBALG.A.P. certified producers.

A producer produces certified pears and also sub-contracts his neighbor to pack his GLOBALG.A.P. certified pears.

A producer who doesn't produce pears but sources pears from 20 different producers: 15 of these producers are GLOBALG.A.P. certified and 5 are not.

A producer produces GLOBALG.A.P. certified pears and buys additional pears from non-certified producers.