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Procedures on Health and Safety

Emergency Procedures

Based on the Health and Safety Risk assessment, producers are required to define written procedures to minimize all identified risks. They are expected to review these procedures annually and update them when risks change or new hazards arise. (AF 3.1.2)

Emergency Phone

Accident and emergency procedures must be communicated to everyone working on the site. They shall also be accessible at designated locations either in the workers’ predominant language(s) or in form of pictures / pictograms. (AF 3.4.1)

Accident and emergency procedures must include the following:

Many governmental and non-governmental organizations help producers to develop accident and emergency procedures. Often, they also offer templates and free or affordable signage.

Inspectors are expected to verify whether the workers comply with the health and safety procedures while working.

Emergency Templates

Recommended Internet Resource: : “The Health and Safety Executive of the United Kingdom: Agriculture health and safety”

Question (QQAF017)
Health and Safety in the GLOBALG.A.P. context:
Covers only the harvesting activities.
Covers all dangerous operations without produce handling.
Covers all dangerous operations involved with the production of the product on the farm.
Is applicable only to all permanent workers.
Question (QQAF018)
True or False. Accident and emergency procedures do not have to be visually displayed as long as they have been formally communicated to the workers.

Health and Safety instructions must be in place for the entire work place and include all permanent, casual and contract workers.


Permanent accident and emergency procedures must be clearly displayed at a visible and accessible location AND communicated to all the people associated with the farming activities.