All Farm Base

First Aid

First aid kits must be complete and maintained according to the prevailing laws, and readily accessible at all permanent facilities and buildings. Portable first aid kits must be transported to the production units where workers are working. (AF 3.4.4)

First Aid

Inspectors are required to verify that the appropriate number of persons (guideline: one trained person per 50 workers) trained in First Aid (within the last 5 years) is always available when activities are taking place on the farm. (AF 3.4.5)

First Aid
Question (QQAF032)
The CB inspector questions the producer on the number of trained first aiders he has on the farm. The producer replies that he only has 1 because he employs 48 workers – thus complying with the GLOBALG.A.P. requirements. When the inspector asks to interview the first aider as harvesting was taking place, the producer replies that the person is sick and has not come to work for the past 3 days. What should the inspector do in this situation?
The inspector should penalize the producer as there was no trained first aider on site during the harvesting process.
The inspector can accept this situation because the producer complies with the minimum GLOBALG.A.P. requirements.
Question (QQAF033)
The CB inspector questions the producer on the number of trained first aiders he has on the farm. The producer replies that he will personally assume the role in case of emergency but has not had any problems up to now. He states that he had received First Aid training when he was in the army (10 years ago) and he still remembers everything. He also states that his sister-in-law (who is a qualified nurse) is located 5km away and in serious situations he can call her to assist. Can the CB inspector accept this?

GLOBALG.A.P. states as a guideline that 1 first aider is needed for every 50 workers a producer employs and that this person must be present on the farm whenever on-farm activities (e.g. in this case harvesting) are being carried out. If there is only 1 trained first aider, back-up plans must be in place for the days when the first aider is absent.


GLOBALG.A.P. requires that there must always be a sufficient number of trained (at least every 5 years) first aiders on the farm when on-farm activities are being carried out. The problem with the qualified nurse is that she is not always available during on-farm activities.