All Farm Base

Identification of Waste and Pollution Sources

Producers are required to identify and list all possible waste products and sources of pollution related to their production processes. (AF 5.1.1)

Typical examples of waste include:

  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Plastic
  • Used or unusable packaging material

Typical sources of pollution are:

  • Fertilizer excess
  • Noise
  • Feed waste
  • Slurry
  • Oil and fuel tank leakage
  • Algae produced during net cleaning
  • Exhaust fumes

Producers are advised to develop a waste management plan that specifies procedures and strategies to avoid and reduce waste and pollution. (AF 5.2.1)

Question (QQAF045)
True or False. The producer is required to take into account waste and pollution sources of on-farm activities that relate only to the product included for certification, and not waste and pollution products that might be generated from the production of non-certified products.

Possible waste products and pollution sources that might be generated from all of the farm processes must be listed. Even if they are generated from non-certified products, they may still pose a risk to the environment, human health and safety, and the product included for certification.